YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号

YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号


 “十”是一个简单却又充满轮廓感的文字,一横搭着一竖相织  交错,呼应了本案的主要概念——“穿插”。通过放大这个概 念,本案强调了造型的横平竖直和材料的多种混搭,塑造结构张力。该案的委托者是一位富有行业经验的建设集团企业家,由于发展需要,现将办公场地移至更加全面广阔的空间。年轻,是心态活力的当下;严谨,是心性沉淀的印证。创新大胆的设计则将两者融合为一。

"Ten" is a simple yet contoured text, interwoven horizontally and vertically, echoing the main concept of "interweaving" in this case. By magnifying this concept, this case emphasizes the horizontal and vertical aspects of the design, as well as the various combinations of materials, to shape the structural tension. The client of this case is a construction group entrepreneur with rich industry experience. Due to development needs, the office space is now moved to a more comprehensive and spacious space. Youth is the present moment of mental vitality; Righteousness is a testament to the sedimentation of one's mind. Innovative and bold design combines the two into one.

Project location: Wenzhou

Project area: 1200m ²

Designer: Qiang Li Wang

Photography: Jia Ning Zhang


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